On March 13-14, Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America & New York visited the Church of the Icon of the "Reigning" Mother of God in Charlotte, NC, and led the divine services in honor of the parish's patronal feast. In accordance with the Typicon, Divine Liturgy is not served on Wednesday or Friday of Cheesefare, so the feast (usually March 2/15) was transferred to the day prior.
Concelebrating with the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad were: parish rector Archpriest Alexander Logunov, Archpriest Mark Tyson (rector of St. Thomas the Apostle Mission in Tobaccoville, NC), Archpriest Alexander Stepanenko (parish cleric), Priest Steven Webb (rector of St. Nicholas Church in Fletcher, NC), Protodeacon Dimitri Temidis (cleric of St. Elizabeth the New-Martyr Church in Columbia, SC), and parish Deacon Ivan Makarow.
Upon conclusion of Liturgy, Metropolitan Nicholas delivered a sermon in Russian and English on the importance of praying to the Mother of God and trusting in her intercession before her Divine Son, as well as words of instruction regarding the approaching Fast.
After the service, a Bliny luncheon followed for all in attendance in the parish hall.