Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Official Website
Parish Deanery Country City State
St. John the Wonderworker Mission (www)Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryDiamondheadMS
St. Cuthbert Western Rite Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryHedgesvilleWV
St. Herman of Alaska Western Rite Church (www)Pennsylvania DeaneryJamestownPA
Our Lady of Walsingham Western Rite Skete (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryDaytonTN
Holy Wisdom Western Rite Church (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryGastoniaNC
Holy Trinity Western Rite Church (www)Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryMidland CityAL
St. Tikhon Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryRuther GlenVA
St. Joseph Western Rite Church (www)Florida DeanerySarasotaFL
St. John the Evangelist Western Rite Mission (www)Hudson Valley DeaneryPort JervisNY
Christ the King Western Rite Church (www)Pennsylvania DeaneryTullytownPA
Holy Archangels Western Rite Church (www)New England DeaneryWatervilleME
St. Timothy the Apostle Mission (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryHickoryNC
St. Peter the Aleut Mission Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryWhite PineTN
St. Thecla Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryWheatonMD
St. Innocent of Alaska Mission (www)New England DeaneryBucksportME
Church of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God (www)Florida DeaneryNorth PortFL
St. Elizabeth the New Martyr Mission (www)Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryCullmanAL
Mission of St. Gregory Palamas Capital Region DeaneryRichmondVA
Apostolic Mission of Christ, under the Protection of the Holy Apostles Spanish Missions DeaneryMiamiFL
Monastery of the Glorious Ascension (www)Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryResacaGA
St. Alexander Nevsky Memorial Church (www)New England Deanery RichmondME
St. Tikhon the New-Martyr Church (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryBlountvilleTN
Holy Myrrhbearers Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryMount CrawfordVA
St. Alfred the Great Western Rite Mission (www)Florida DeaneryMiddleburgFL
Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos Western Rite Study Society New England DeaneryHinghamMA
St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco Church (www)Pennsylvania Deanery WinfieldPA
Monastery of St. Dionysios the Areopagite (www)New York City and Long Island DeanerySt. JamesNY
Holy Archangels Mission (www)New England DeaneryLimestoneME
St. Andrew the Apostle Church (www)Florida DeaneryTallahasseeFL
Three Hierarchs Church (www)Florida DeaneryHollywoodFL
St. Clement of Rome Mission (www)Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryRomeGA
Parish of St. Gregory the Theologian New York City and Long Island DeaneryNew YorkNY
St. George Church Hudson Valley DeaneryPoughkeepsieNY
St. Michael Church Hudson Valley DeaneryWayneNJ
Chapel of St. Anastasia of Serbia New York City and Long Island DeaneryAstoriaNY
Evangelist Luke Mission (www)Hudson Valley DeaneryHighlandNY
Iveron Icon Cemetery Chapel Capital Region DeaneryWashingtonDC
St. Martin of Tours Mission (www)Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryMontgomeryAL
St. Michael Garden Cemetery Chapel Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryAtlantaGA
St. John the Baptist Cossack Cemetery Chapel New Jersey DeaneryJacksonNJ
Holy Trinity Cemetery Pennsylvania DeaneryCaliforniaPA
Convent of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" (www)Upstate New York DeaneryRichfield SpringsNY
St. Catherine the Great-Martyr Mission (www)Florida DeaneryClearwaterFL
Holy Innocents & St. Nina Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryBristowVA
St. Thomas the Apostle Church (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryTobaccovilleNC
St. John of Damascus Chapel (www)Capital Region DeaneryWayneWV
Chapel of the Seven Holy Youths of Ephesus (www)Upstate New York DeaneryMorrisNY
Holy Great Martyr & Healer Panteleimon Skete (www)Florida DeaneryCoconut CreekFL
St. Demetrios of Thessaloniki Monastery (www)Capital Region DeanerySpotsylvaniaVA
St. Andrew Stratelates Cathedral (www)Florida DeanerySt. PetersburgFL
St. Peter of Krutitsy Mission Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryLebanonTN
Holy Assumption Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryStaffordVA
St. Matrona of Moscow Mission (www)Capital Region DeaneryLexingtonKY
St. Bartholomew Western Rite Church (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryChattanoogaTN
Skete of St. Nicholas of Myra (www)New Jersey DeaneryFreeholdNJ
St. Luke the Evangelist Chapel (www)Florida DeaneryCoconut CreekFL
Iveron Mother of God Monastery (www)Upstate New York DeaneryMohawkNY
Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene Spanish Missions DeaneryMadeira BeachFL
Archangel Michael Mission (www)New England DeaneryWinooskiVT
St. Anna Mission (www)Capital Region DeaneryLouisaVA
St. Katherine of Alexandria Mission (www)Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryDallasGA
Our Lady of Vladimir Church Caribbean MissionCosta RicaVázquez de CoronadoSan José
Holy Protection Mission (www)Caribbean MissionDominicaMarigotSt. Andrew
Misión de San Serafín de Sarov (www)Caribbean MissionDominican RepublicBávaroLa Altagracia
Misión de Nuestra Sra. Madre de Dios de Kazan (www)Caribbean MissionDominican RepublicSosúaPuerto Plata
St. George the Trophy-Bearer Mission (www)Caribbean MissionGrenadaSt. George's
Paroisee Notre Dame de la Nativite (www)Caribbean MissionHaitiDumorneyOuest
Paroisse Saint Nicolas Caribbean MissionHaitiCap-HaïtienNord
Paroisse Saint Jean de Shanghai et de San Francisco Caribbean MissionHaitiLes CayesSud
Paroisee Saint Moise le Noir Caribbean MissionHaitiFontamaraOuest
Paroisse Saint Irenee de Lyons Caribbean MissionHaitiHincheCentre
Paroisse Saint Augustin Caribbean MissionHaitiJacmelSud-Est
Paroisse Saints Pierre et Paul Caribbean MissionHaitiLéogâneOuest
St. Timothy the Apostle Church (www)Caribbean MissionJamaicaKingston
St. Moses the Black Church (www)Caribbean MissionJamaicaDiscovery BaySt. Ann
Monasterio de San Antonio el Grande (www)Spanish Missions DeaneryNicaraguaComarca Río NegroSanta Fe, Boaco
Misión San Juan de Shanghai y San Francisco Spanish Missions DeaneryNicaraguaMatagalpa
Russian Orthodox Mission (www)Caribbean MissionTrinidad and TobagoPort of Spain
San Juan Clímaco Mission (www)Spanish Missions DeaneryUnited StatesDuey Alto, San GermánPR
St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (www)New Jersey DeaneryUSAHowellNJ
St. Panteleimon Church New Jersey DeaneryUSABranchvilleNJ
Hermitage of the Holy Protection New Jersey DeaneryUSABuenaNJ
St. George Church (www)New Jersey DeaneryUSAHowellNJ
St. Vladimir Memorial Church (www)New Jersey DeaneryUSAJacksonNJ
Holy Virgin Protection Church (www)New Jersey DeaneryUSANew BrunswickNJ
Our Lady of Kazan Church (www)Hudson Valley DeaneryUSANewarkNJ
St. Elizabeth the New Martyr Church (www)New Jersey DeaneryUSARocky HillNJ
Church of the Assumption New Jersey DeaneryUSATrentonNJ
Holy Trinity Church (www)New Jersey DeaneryUSAVinelandNJ
St. John Cassian Chapel (www)Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryUSABessemerAL
Chapel of St. Xenia the Blessed Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryUSAHuntsvilleAL
St. Nicholas Church (www)New England DeaneryUSAEnfieldCT
St. Panteleimon Church (www)New England DeaneryUSAHartfordCT
Church of the Holy New Martyrs & Confessors of Russia (www)New England Deanery USANorwichCT
St. Sergius Chapel "Churaevka" (www)New England Deanery USASouthburyCT
St. Nicholas Church (www)New England Deanery USAStratfordCT
Church of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (www)New England DeaneryUSAStratfordCT
St. John the Baptist Cathedral (www)Capital Region DeaneryUSAWashingtonDC
St. Nicholas Church (www)Florida DeaneryUSABunnellFL
St. Luke the Blessed Surgeon Church (www)Florida DeaneryUSAPompano BeachFL
St. Nina Mission (www)Florida DeaneryUSAKey WestFL
St. Sophia Mission Florida DeaneryUSAKissimmeeFL
St. Vladimir Church (www)Florida DeaneryUSAMiamiFL
Joy of All Who Sorrow Church (www)Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryUSACummingGA
St. Mary of Egypt Church (www)Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi DeaneryUSARoswellGA
Holy Transfiguration Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryUSABaltimoreMD
Holy Apostles Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryUSABeltsvilleMD
Church of the Epiphany (www)New England DeaneryUSARoslindaleMA
Church of St. John the Russian (www)New England DeaneryUSAIpswichMA
St. Xenia Church (www)New England DeaneryUSAMethuenMA
Holy Protection Mission (www)New England DeaneryUSAWest BrookfieldMA
Holy Cross Monastery (www)Capital Region DeaneryUSAWayneWV
Convent of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Capital Region DeaneryUSAWayneWV
Christ the Savior Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryUSAWayneWV
Chapel of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Cup" Capital Region DeaneryUSANatural Bridge StationVA
St. Herman of Alaska Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryUSAStaffordVA
St. Joseph of Optina Church (www)Capital Region DeaneryUSANorfolkVA
St. Nektarios Church (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryUSALenoir CityTN
St. Innocent of Moscow Mission Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryUSANashvilleTN
St. Elizabeth the New Martyr Church (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryUSAWest ColumbiaSC
Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryUSASummervilleSC
St. Basil the Great Church (www)Pennsylvania DeaneryUSABelle VernonPA
Christ our Savior Church (www)Pennsylvania Deanery USAIndianaPA
St. John the Baptist Cathedral (www)Pennsylvania DeaneryUSAMayfieldPA
Holy Virgin Dormition Church (www)Pennsylvania Deanery USAMcKeesportPA
St. Stephen Church (www)Pennsylvania DeaneryUSAOld ForgePA
Our Lady "Joy of All Who Sorrow" Church (www)Pennsylvania DeaneryUSAPhiladelphiaPA
St. Basil Church Pennsylvania DeaneryUSASimpsonPA
Christ the Saviour Church Pennsylvania DeaneryUSASugar NotchPA
Church of the Reigning Mother of God (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryUSACharlotteNC
St. Nicholas Church (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryUSAFletcherNC
Holy Trinity Church (www)Carolinas and Tennessee DeaneryUSAMebaneNC
Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God (www)Upstate New York DeaneryUSAAlbanyNY
New Martyrs & Confessors of Russia Church (www)New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSABrooklynNY
Church of Our Lady "The Inexhaustible Chalice" New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSABrooklynNY
St. Joasaph of Belgorod Church (www)New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSABrooklynNY
Church of the Holy Myrrhbearing Women (www)New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSABrooklynNY
Sts. Theodore Church (www)Upstate New York DeaneryUSABuffaloNY
St. Nicholas Church (www)Upstate New York DeaneryUSAEndicottNY
Holy Annunciation Church (www)New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSAFlushingNY
Church of the Holy Life-Creating Trinity (www)Upstate New York DeaneryUSAFranklinNY
Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin & St. Sergius (www)New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSAGlen CoveNY
Holy Trinity Monastery (www)Upstate New York DeaneryUSAJordanvilleNY
Church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God (www)Hudson Valley DeaneryUSAMahopacNY
Holy Dormition Convent "Novo-Diveevo" (www)Hudson Valley DeaneryUSANanuetNY
Synodal Cathedral of the Mother of God of the Sign (www)USANew YorkNY
Holy Trinity Church New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSAAstoriaNY
Holy Fathers Church New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSANew YorkNY
Great Martyr George Chapel (www)Upstate New York DeaneryUSANorthvilleNY
Holy Virgin Protection Church (www)Hudson Valley DeaneryUSANyackNY
St. Nicholas Church (www)Hudson Valley DeaneryUSAPoughkeepsieNY
Church of the Assumption New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSARichmond HillNY
Protection of the Mother of God Church (www)Upstate New York DeaneryUSARochesterNY
St. Seraphim of Sarov Memorial Church (www)New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSASea CliffNY
Icon of the Mother of God "Otrada" Chapel (www)Hudson Valley DeaneryUSAChestnut RidgeNY
Church of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" (www)New York City and Long Island DeaneryUSAStaten IslandNY
Church of the Entrance into the Temple of the Holy Virgin Upstate New York DeaneryUSAJamesville (Syracuse)NY
St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Church (www)Upstate New York DeaneryUSAUticaNY
Sts. Peter & Paul Chapel Hudson Valley DeaneryUSAWoodbourneNY
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