The radiant feast of Christ’s Nativity was greeted prayerfully and joyfully in the Nativity of the Mother of God Church at the New Kursk Root Hermitage in Mahopac, NY. With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, at the All-Night Vigil on Wednesday evening, January 6, Bishop Jerome performed the reader’s tonsure of acolyte John Temidis. After Vigil, all of the worshippers sat down for the humble traditional Nativity Eve supper, consisting of sochivo porridge, honey, homemade bread, and berry kisel.
At Vigil and at Divine Liturgy the following morning, His Grace was co-served by parish clerics: Abbot Cornelius (Apukhtin), Priest George Temidis, and Deacon Alexey Pnev.
The morning of Christ’s Nativity was greeting with sunshine and frost, and although there was no snow on the ground, nevertheless a sensation of joy and festivity was in the air, gripping those coming to church. Now many parishioners gathered to greet Bishop Jerome; despite it being a workday, the church was full for Liturgy. Virtually everyone present communed of Christ’s Holy Mysteries, and due to the large number of communicants, Frs. Cornelius and George brought out two chalices.
In his sermon, Bishop Jerome congratulated everyone present with the holy feast of the Nativity of Christ, and spoke about how the Lord knows everything about every person and his future. His Grace explained how important it is to understand these words and remember that the Lord bestowed free will upon every human being. The Lord knows what will become of a person if he chooses one or another path, but the freedom of choice is always left with the individual.
After Liturgy, the entire parish and many guests gathered for the traditional bountiful luncheon. Those gathered did not wish to disperse for many hours, and shared words of congratulation, gifts, and festal joy.