From April 19-22, Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, vicar of the Eastern American Diocese, performed an archpastoral visit to Haiti. His Grace was accompanied by the administrator of the Haitian Mission, Archpriest Daniel McKenzie, as well as Priest Demetrio Romeo (rector of St. Luke the Blessed Surgeon Church in Coconut Creek, FL).
Upon arrival, Bishop Nicholas visited the parish of Venerable Moses the Black (Раrоіsse Saint Moïse le Noir) in Fontamara, where he met with Matushka Rose Legouté, widow of the ever-memorable Priest Gregoire Legouté, formerly rector of that church. His Grace and the accompanying clergy visited the adjoining, school which provides an education for physically and mentally disabled children founded by Fr. Gregoire, which Matushka Rose continues to administer. Important matters facing the Mission were discussed later that day.
On Wednesday, April 20, Bishop Nicholas, Fr. Daniel, and Fr. Demetrio visited the parish of the Nativity of the Mother of God (Раrоіsse Nоtre-Dаme-de-lа-Nativité) in Port-au-Prince. The following days were filled with divine services and visits with members of the Mission.
On Thursday, April 21, at the nearby cemetery, Bishop Nicholas served a panihida at Fr. Gregoire’s grave.
On Friday, April 22, Bishop Nicholas held a meeting with the clergy, during which was organized a new administrative structure, which will report to the Metropolitan and his vicar bishop, to lead work in the Mission and network with the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Church Abroad and other benevolent organizations, with the goal of providing aid to the Haitian Mission. The Mission covers seven parishes across the entire country.
May the Lord bless and strengthen the clergy and the entire Haitian Orthodox Mission!
Bishop Nicholas performs Archpastoral Visit to Russian Orthodox Mission in Haiti - 04/22/16
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