On Sunday, March 8, the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas, His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Manhattan, celebrated the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in St. Sergius Chapel of the Synodal Cathedral in New York City, with the Cathedral’s English-language mission. Concelebrating with His Grace were Hieromonk Zosimas (Krampis), Priest Richard Stoecker, Protodeacon Vadim Gan, Deacon John Peters, and Deacon Dionysius Lvov. A choir of six sang under the direction of Anna Prittchett, with the assistance of Matushka Eugenia Temidis for Hierarchal rubrics. During the reading of Sixth Hour, His Grace elevated Nicholas Richard to the subdiaconate, to further his participation in the leadership of the mission.
In his sermon, Bishop Nicholas spoke about the triumph of the Orthodox teachings of St. Gregory Palamas over the heretic Barlaam. He explained that St. Gregory spoke not only from the understanding of his pure mind, but also from his own experience in teaching that it is possible to know God. This experiential knowledge of God is the goal of man, and should be his primary pursuit.
After Liturgy, the faithful gathered for breakfast with His Grace, who took the opportunity to get to know some of them better, adding also a few more words of pastoral guidance. The mission community expressed their honor to have been visited by the bishop, and their gratitude to everyone who participated in this blessed event.
Hierarchal Liturgy with the English-Language Mission in St. Sergius Chapel - 03/08/15
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