On Sunday, November 26, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York, visited St. John the Forerunner Cathedral in Brooklyn, NY, and celebrated Divine Liturgy.
Greeting His Eminence at the entrance to the church, cathedral rector and New York City dean Archpriest Alexander Belya offered him words of welcome, saying:
"On this day, Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of one of the greatest hierarchs – John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople. His life and labors, the Liturgy he composed, and the theological treatises he penned demonstrate the greatness of his personality, and even his death in exile is evidence of the greatness of this luminary of the Church. Greeting you today, Your Eminence, we anticipate and ask your holy prayers for all of us, your edifying words, and your blessing. By your visitation, you bring us great spiritual joy and support."
After the entrance prayers and vesting in the center of the church, the Hours were read, and Divine Liturgy began. Metropolitan Hilarion was co-served by Fr. Alexander, Archpriest Vasily Yurina and Deacon Rostislav Zadorozhny (cathedral clerics), and Deacon Eugene Hrihoriak (cleric of the Diocese of Montreal & Canada).
The church was filled with worshippers for the festal service, and the Liturgy was adorned with the beautiful singing of the cathedral choir.
Upon completion of Liturgy, Metropolitan Hilarion delivered an theologically instructive sermon on the subject of the Sunday Gospel reading, and also spoke briefly about the life and great legacy of the Holy Hierarch John Chrysostom.
In response, Fr. Alexander thanked the Metropolitan for visiting the Brooklyn cathedral, for his prayers, his sermon, and his wonderful, didactic sermon, and thanked the clergy, choir, and all of the parishioners for their shared prayer.
After the service, everyone proceeded to a fetal luncheon, which was held in a warm atmosphere, where many of those present had an opportunity to speak and share their spiritual joy.
Translation by Eastern American Diocesan Media Office
Brooklyn, NY: Metropolitan Hilarion celebrates Liturgy in St. John the Forerunner Cathedral - 11/26/17
Photos: www.nyblago.org
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