On Sunday the 11th and Tuesday the 12th of February, the feast of the Three Great Hierarchs – Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom – Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York visited Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY, where he led the divine services. Co-serving with His Eminence were monastery abbot Archimandrite Luke (Murianka) and monastery, seminary, and visiting clergy.
From ancient times, these three holy hierarchs have been revered as great teachers of the Church, defenders of the Orthodox Faith, and athletes of piety. It is for this reason that they have traditionally been considered the Heavenly patrons of Orthodox seminaries; Holy Trinity Seminary is no exception. Moreover, to honor the work of these luminaries of the Faith, much of the services was read and sung in Greek.
After Liturgy on Thursday morning, a traditional Cheesefare luncheon was held in the seminary hall. Metropolitan Hilarion greeted those gathered, offering special words of instruction for the young seminarians, who are only beginning their path of service to the Holy Church.
The luncheon concluded with a concert of spiritual music by the seminary choir, under the direction of Deacon Nicholas Kotar.
Jordanville, NY: Metropolitan Hilarion leads Divine Services for Patronal Feast of Holy Trinity Seminary - 02/12/18
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