On Saturday the 9th and Sunday the 10th of June, when the Holy Church commemorated the memory of All Saints who shone forth in the Russian Land, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York visited Holy Epiphany Church in Roslindale (Boston), MA. The First Hierarch was greeted with the triumphant hymn "Eis polla eti, Despota."
During Vespers, Metropolitan Hilarion prayed in the altar, and during Matins, led the Polyeleos, co-served by parish clergy: Archpriests Victor Boldewskul (parish rector) and Thomas Reske, Priest Kevin Kalish, Protodeacons Alexander Jarostchuk and Victor Ganson, and Deacon Alexander Kurenkov, as well as Hieromonk Tikhon (Gayfudinov; abbot of Holy Protection Skete in Buena, NJ, accompanying the Metropolitan).
On Sunday, during the Sixth Hour, Metropolitan Hilarion ordained Reader George Ganson a subdeacon and tonsured parishioner Nichoklas Soloviev a reader. During the Little Entrance, for his dedicated service to the Church, Fr. Victor was awarded the right to wear the jeweled cross.
Concelebrating with Metropolitan Hilarion at Liturgy was the aforementioned clergy, with the exception of Fr. Kevin. Many parishioners communed from two chalices. The services were attended by a large number of worshippers. The parish choir sang magnificently and prayerfully.
In his sermon, Metropolitan Hilarion remarked that the word of God fell on fertile soil in Rus’. We all need to heed the example of the great multitude of saints who have shone forth in the Russian land and see to it that the grace of God finds fertile soil in our hearts. His Eminence pointed out that this year, we are looking to the feat of Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II and his family, who in 1918 endured suffering and martyrdom with deep faith and patience.
After Divine Liturgy, the Protection of the Theotokos Sisterhood under the direction of N. Yefimov organized a bountiful luncheon, during which students of the Royal Martyr Tsarevich Alexis parish school performed a number of spiritual songs and poems under the direction of K. Musatova.
The visit of the Metropolitan was the first after the renovation of the church and refectory, which concluded last year.
Boston, MA: Metropolitan Hilarion leads Divine Services in Holy Epihany Church - 06/10/18
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