In our winter newsletter, we shared initial details regarding our plans for construction of the new temple. As we mentioned at that time, we are dividing the project into three phases: Phase One consisting of infrastructural changes and site preparation, Phase Two consisting of construction of the temple building, and Phase Three consisting of adornment and beautification of both the interior and exterior of the church.
With God’s help, we are now moving forward with Phase One of the project this summer, which we hope to have finished by the end of the year. The tasks we need to complete include the following:
- Rebuild the large rock retaining wall with proper structural support and – more importantly – proper drainage for the massive amount of water runoff which currently turns the intended church site into something of a lake after heavy storms;
- Reroute the utility lines which currently pass underneath the construction site;
- Put down gravel on the new land bridge;
- Construct an additional parking lot behind the Outdoor Chapel in order to provide space for vehicles once excavation is underway at the site of the existing;
- Excavate the construction site;
- Pour the foundation; and
- Erect the ground-level walls of the new church
While these tasks are underway, we will be finalizing the plans for the church itself, which we hope to be able to share with everyone by Pilgrimage Weekend. If all goes according to plan, we will begin Phase Two – construction of the new temple itself – first thing next spring.
The current working budget for the first two phases – site preparation and temple construction – is $2.5 million. In order to reach this goal, with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion we are announcing a new matching funds campaign: from today through Pilgrimage Weekend (October 5), the first $300,000 donated toward the new church will be matched by anonymous benefactors, doubling your donation and giving the monastery a total of $600,000 toward Phases 1-2 (in addition to the funds we have been able to set aside ourselves). Please prayerfully consider supporting this effort financially, but more importantly please beseech our merciful Lord that He will bless our undertaking and help us to finally bring it completion.
Our existing church was built for a brotherhood of eight, at a time when visitors were few and far between. Now our brotherhood has grown to almost thirty, and there is rarely a day without numerous guests and pilgrims praying with us during the divine services. While this is certainly a tremendous blessing, there nevertheless continue to be many men who wish to come here to consecrate their lives to Christ and His Holy Church as monastics – but we simply do not have the space to accept them. The construction of this new, much larger church will allow our brotherhood to continue to grow and thrive with the help and blessing of Almighty God.
If you wish to make a contribution, you may donate on the dedicated Church Fund page on our website, mail a check to the address below (please be sure to write "Church Fund" in the memo line of your check), or call the monastery treasurer at (304) 840-0585 to make other arrangements.
May the Lord – and His servant, our beloved patron St. Panteleimon – reward all of you for your continued prayers, love, and support!
Holy Cross Monastery
Attn: Church Construction
505 Holy Cross Road
Wayne, WV 25570