On Saturday the 15th and Sunday the 16th of June, Bishop Jerome led the divine services for the great feast of Holy Pentecost – the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. Serving alongside His Grace were parish clerics: rector Priest George Temidis and Deacon Alexey Pnev.
On the morning of the 15th, Soul Saturday, Bishop Jerome celebrated Divine Liturgy. The panihida for the departed, however, was served shortly before All-Night Vigil, to allow those who could not be there in the morning to commemorate their departed relatives and loved ones, and then stay for the festal Vigil.
At Divine Liturgy the following morning, His Grace delivered two sermons, as is his custom: the first, in Russian, was on why the Gospel speaks of "The last, great day of the Feast" (because the Descent of the Holy Spirit and establishment of the One Church was the completion and fulfillment of Christ’s mission); the second, in English, included an account from the Lives of the Saints (recounted once by Bishop Daniel (Alexandrow; +2010) of Erie) of how the "Kneeling" Prayers were traditionally heard in prostration, and of how one dishonest monk in times past had tried to make use of the fact that all had their faces to the ground.
Following Liturgy, Vespers with the Kneeling Prayers was served. A luncheon, prepared by the sisterhood, then followed, including homemade side dishes, wines, and various desserts.
On Monday, the Day of the Holy Spirit, services were held according to the rubrics in a Bulgarian Typicon that had belonged to Archimandrite Serge (Romberg; +1992) of Jordanville. According to this Typicon and several others, when there is an "entrance verse" as still prescribed today generally, and the whole Antiphons of the Feast are also kept.
Mahopac, NY: Bishop Jerome leads Pentecost Services in New Kursk Root Hermitage - 06/16/19
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