To His Holiness
Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow & All Russia,
To the Friends and Relatives of Archpriest Alexander Ageykin,
To the Clergy and Parishioners of Holy Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo:
Your Holiness,
Dear in the Lord Fathers, Brothers and Sisters
I learned of the death of Archpriest Alexander Ageykin with heartfelt pain, for he was a faithful son and servant of the Church of Christ, and I hasten to express the condolences of the hierarchy, clergy, and flock of the Russian Church Abroad, as well as my own personally, in the sorrow of Your Holiness, of his wife, children, relatives, and friends of Fr. Alexander, along with the clergymen, officials, and worshippers of Holy Epiphany Cathedral, wishing everyone the all-supporting aid of Christ the Giver of Life! Our fervent prayers, thoughts, and empathy are with you all.
The Russian Church Abroad will never lose the good memories of the reposed as a dedicated servant before the Altar of the Lord, a person infused with the life of the Church, hospitable, a loving and beloved priest, husband, and father. Even long before the formal dialogue on reestablishing the fullness of unity between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Fr. Alexander, as a cleric of Christ the Savior Cathedral, as well as its late sacristan Abbot Joseph (Shaposhnikov), always warmly welcomed representatives of the clergy and laity of the Russian Doaspora visiting the capital city of Russia and venerating its holy relics. Fr. Alexander made several return visits to our dioceses, strengthening the fraternal bonds with members of our Church, who now pray for the repose of his soul and remember his labors, his sorrows, his humility, and his prayers. It is worth noting that Fr. Alexander, gradually ascending in service to the Church and meekly accepting the responsibilities laid upon him by the hierarchy, never changed and never succumbed to vainglory.
May the All-Just and All-Blessed Lord, the Victor over Hades and death, remember the piety of the reposed in His Kingdom, his zealous service to His Holy Church, his devotion in the work of Her adornment and reward him with the eternal crown of glory in His abodes!
With sincerest empathy and love in the Risen Christ,
Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.