On Saturday, the 25th and Sunday the 26th of September, Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan paid an archpastoral visit to Christ the Savior parish in Wayne, WV. Vigil for the Dedication of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was officiated by His Grace, co-served by parish rector Priest Jonah Campbell, Priest Jan Veselak (attached cleric), Hieromonk Paisios (Laiblin; cleric of nearby Holy Cross Monastery), Protodeacon Jeremiah Davis, and Deacon Andrew Temple (parish clerics).
On Sunday morning, Bishop Nicholas celebrated Divine Liturgy, co-served by the above-mentioned clergy. At the Little Entrance, Priest Jan was awarded the right to wear the nabedrennik and Deacon Andrew was awarded the right to wear the double orarion, in recognition of their faithful efforts on behalf of the Church and Christ the Savior parish.
In his sermon, Bishop Nicholas encouraged to the faithful to renew their devotion to Christ and His Holy Cross and spoke of the original finding of the True Cross by the Empress Helena at the site where the Holy Sepulcher is situated in Jerusalem.
Upon conclusion of Liturgy, Fr. Jonah greeted His Grace on behalf of the parish and thanked him for his archpastoral care and love for Christ the Savior parish and its parishioners. Recalling the recent opening of the Mission of St. Matrona of Moscow in nearby Versailles, KY (a suburb of Lexington), Fr. Jonah presented Bishop Nicholas with an icon of Blessed Matrona and asked His Grace’s prayers that the new mission (being spiritually supported by the clergy of Christ the Savior) will flourish.
After the service, a festal meal was served by the parish sisterhood, which was followed by a tour of a property adjacent to Christ the Savior parish, which the parish is hoping to purchase and use to expand their Food Pantry and other charitable activities in the Wayne community.
From Christ the Savior Church, Bishop Nicholas proceeded to Holy Cross Monastery for the great feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, where more than 20 parishioners joined with the monastic brotherhood in celebration of their patronal feast day.
Wayne, WV: Bishop Nicholas pays Archpastoral Visit to Christ the Savior Parish - 09/26/21
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