The Nativity Fast has begun, and just when we were getting used to the regime, the great feast of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple comes upon us. What is even more joyful is that, starting with the canon at Matins during the All-Night Vigil, we begin to hear Nativity hymns: in this case, the irmoi of the canon of Nativity, which from now until the feast will be sung during festal services. In this way, the Church begins to prepare us for this radiant feast.
His Grace Luke, Bishop of Syracuse and abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY, officiated the festal All-Night Vigil on the Friday the 3rd and celebrated Divine Liturgy on Saturday the 4th of December. Due to the holy day being on a Saturday, and also the relatively clement weather, there were present many faithful, many of whom availed themselves of Christ’s Holy Mysteries.