On Monday, April 11, the Sacrament of Holy Unction was performed in St. Luke the Blessed Surgeon Church in Pompano Beach, FL. For the first time in many years, the Sacrament was officiated by a hierarch – Eastern American Diocesan vicar Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan.
Serving alongside His Grace were: Archimandrites Stefan (Khilchuk; rector of the Church of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God in North Port, FL) and Siluan (Lembei; cleric of Three Hierarchs Church in Hollywood, FL), Archpriest Alexandre Antchoutine (dean of Florida), Abbot Arseny (Manko; parish rector), Priest Mikhail Mikhailenko (cleric of St. Vladimir Church in Miami, FL), Hieromonk Arkadii (Polishchuk; cleric of Our Lady if Pochaev Church), and Deacon Stefan Stoyanov (diocesan cleric).
Over 40 people took part in the Sacrament.
The service was adorned prayerfully by the parish choir under the direction of conductor Katya Lukianov
During the divine service, Bishop Nicholas delivered an edifying archpastoral sermon to those faithful present and warmly welcomed the visiting clergy. His Grace acknowledged the hard work of the rector, warden, parish council, and choir.
Both before and after the service, the clergy had the opportunity to meet with their archpastor to discuss various current issues.
Pompano Beach, FL: Bishop Nicholas performs Sacrament of Holy Unction in St. Luke the Blessed Surgeon Church - 04/10/22
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