On May 1, the Second Sunday of Pascha, clergy and faithful of central New Jersey gathered in St. Vladimir Cemetery in Jackson, NJ to bring the joyous news of the Resurrection of Christ to those entombed there. Celebrating Divine Liturgy in the Cossack Chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist was Archpriest Serge Lukianov (rector of neighboring St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell, NJ) and cathedral cleric Protodeacon Paul Drozdowski.
At the conclusion of the service, Fr. Serge greeted those assembled and explained the significance of gathering at the chapel on this day. In the 1960s and 70s, Archbishop Nikon (Rklitsky; +1976) always served Liturgy on St. Thomas Sunday at the chapel. After his repose, this tradition stopped, but in 2010, the clergy from St. George Cossack Church in Howell restarted this tradition and have since been serving Liturgy in the chapel, remembering all the reposed archpastors, pastors, generals, officers, Cossacks, and all Orthodox Christians buried there.
Under the cloudless spring sky, memorial litias were then served at the graveside of departed faithful by local clergy.
Jackson, NJ: Departed Orthodox Faithful commemorated in St. Vladimir Cemetery - 05/01/22
Photos: G. Rimakis
(10 images)