Services in the Church of Our Lady of Pochaev in North Port, FL are performed daily: Divine Liturgy in the morning and Vespers and Matin in the evening. The special cycle of services was blessed for the brethren of the parish by Metropolitan Hilarion of blessed memory. On August 30-31, the feast of the Holy Martyr Florus & Laurus and of the Pantanassa ("Queen of All") Icon of the Mother of God, a nocturnal Liturgy was celebrated.
Nocturnal services are usually served in many churches and monasteries on great feasts: Christ’s Nativity and Pascha. This was the tradition in Our Lady of Pochaev Church, too, as well as celebrating Liturgy on the New Year (December 31 to January 1, or January 13-14 n.s.). In this way, the faithful were able to thank God for the past year and prayerfully begin the New Year with God’s blessing.
With time, however, it was decided to serve a nocturnal Liturgy on the first of every month (provided it was not a Sunday). The nighttime service has a special way of gear the people toward ascetical feats and toward prayer, which parish rector Archimandrite Stefan (Khilchuk) spoke about in his sermon.
North Port, FL: First Monthly Midnight Liturgy celebrated in Our Lady of Pochaev Church - 08/31/22
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