On Saturday, October 31, the Church of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" in Cumming (Atlanta), GA, held a children’s festival.
The All-Night Vigil for Sunday and the feast day of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt was served earlier than usual. Upon completion of the Vigil, parishioners young and old who were gathered in the church served a moleben to St. John. All were anointed with holy oil. Parish rector Priest Eugene Antonov then addressed parishioners with a sermon, in which he underscored that St. John lived in a time very much like our own, when faith in Christ was extinguished among a majority of the people, and godless satanic powers became entrenched in places of authority.
Fr. Eugene said, "We, Orthodox Christians, must, even in some small way, openly bear our Christian witness in this world, which is losing its faith. We must not be ashamed to wear our cross around our necks. We must not be ashamed to make the sign of the Cross when we ought to. We must not be ashamed to pray before every good work, as the Church instructs. We must not be ashamed to fast when it is appointed. We must not be ashamed to do this in the open. We must not ‘be ashamed’ before the godless world, and in every instance must not take part in godless or even satanic secular festivities."
Fr. Eugene congratulated all those present with the feast, and addressed St. John of Kronstadt with a prayer, which concludes with the words: "Again we pray thee, O righteous father, that our Holy Church may be fortified unto the end of the world; entreat thou for our homeland peace and prosperity in God’s righteousness, and protect it from all evils, that our peoples, protected by God, might in the oneness of mind of faith and in every piety and purity, in the majesty of spiritual brotherhood, in sober thought and one accord might bear witness: for God is with us! In Him do we live, and move, and are, and will be, unto the ages. Amen."
Everyone then gathered in the parish hall, where a meal was offered for the glory of God. The children occupied themselves with arts and crafts, and played the quiz game "What? Where? When?". Most of the quiz questions were on topics relating to the Church and the Bible. Participants were rewarded with "golden" chocolate medals. The evening concluded with a marshmallow roast over the fire.
The festival was organized jointly by the parish sisterhood and Atlanta’s Russian School #1.