The Russian Church Abroad is currently constructing the Church of the Holy Transfiguration in the Rio Negro ("Black River") near Santa Fé, 34km from Boaco, Nicaragua. Under the onsite supervision of Hieromonk Marcos (Cantillano-Calderón), and with the moral support of the Spanish Deanery of the Eastern American Diocese, it is the first ROCOR church to be built in Nicaragua, a country whose people are very poor. With the building of the church and the help of the Russian Church Abroad, the mission in Rio Negro promises a bright future for those in Nicaragua who desire to attend Orthodox divine services in Spanish.
Part of the mission’s plans for the future include the construction on the same site of a monastery, which will provide spiritual peace and brotherhood for all those who feel the desire to serve the monastic life.
Although the project was initiated locally and without economic support from without, it is only through the prayers of the faithful that it has progressed this far. With your continued support, this dream can become a reality for the Orthodox faithful of Nicaragua. Please contact Archimandrite Nektarios (Harding) at to find out how you can help.