When bullet holes were first discovered on Monday, December 12, 2016, in the new church building and welcome sign at Joy of All Who Sorrow Church in Cumming (Atlanta), GA, parishioners believed it was likely careless shooting by locals during the area’s hunting season. On Wednesday, January 11, however, more bullet holes were discovered, leading to suspicions that the church is being maliciously attacked.
In December, parish rector Priest Eugene Antonov spoke to the local media about the attack, which he wanted to believe had been unintentional. "I hope somebody will understand that they did a very dangerous thing" [shooting at the building], Fr. Eugene told FOX5 news. "I don't want to punish anybody. If they would just enjoy a quiet and safe life, this would be enough for me."
But now, with the second shooting in less than a month, the parish must not only repair the damage, but also take preventative measures to ensure the security of worshippers and parish property.
"Since it is at least the second shooting at us, I am sure it is not a random incident and, if not stopped, the perpetrator(s) will repeat the shooting," Fr. Eugene writes. "The police have been informed. We will have to see if they do anything to find the criminal(s) responsible."
Joy of All Who Sorrow Church is raising money to cover expenses: the church’s windows must be repaired and the welcome sign must be entirely replaced, because both the plastic display surface and the metal frame are seriously damaged. Additionally, the parish will be installing two security cameras.
Please consider donating to help Joy of All Who Sorrow Church on their YouCaring page here.