The Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music (PaTRAM) Institute was founded in 2013 for the cultivation and popularization of beauty and spiritual depth in Russian Orthodox liturgical arts and choral singing in the English and Slavonic languages, and likewise the professional training of conductors and singers of church choirs in the Orthodox churches of America. After a distance learning course, the participants gather for master classes, which are conducted worldwide by Vladimir Gorbik, the renowned conductor of the male choir of the brethren of the Moscow Representation Church of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra and assistant professor of the Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky State Conservatory Choral Conducting Department.
From Thursday, June 29, to Sunday, July 2, the master classes were held in St. Matrona of Moscow Cathedral in Miami, FL. The event concluded with the Divine Liturgy on July 2, the feast of the Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai & San Francisco, on the eve of which the All-Night Vigil was served.
The divine services were led by Western American Diocesan vicar Bishop Theodosius of Seattle, who was co-served by the dean of Florida Deanery and rector of the Miami cathedral, Archimandrite Alexander (Belya), cathedral clergyman Archpriest Sergiu Prisacaru, and Deacon Dimitri Doohovskoy (cleric of St. Vladimir Church in Miami).
The services were joyfully sung by a combined choir of master class participants in a way that an extraordinarily prayerful mood was felt in the church.
After the reading of the Gospel, Bishop Theodosius addressed the faithful with an instructive sermon, in which he spoke on the life and feats of the great luminary of the Russian Diaspora: the Holy Hierarch and Wonderworker John.
Archimandrite Alexander thanked the hierarch for his visit to the Miami cathedral and his archpastoral prayers, and in memory of the occasion presented an icon of the Heavenly patron of the church, Blessed Matrona of Moscow.
Likewise, the rector thanked the initiators of the PaTRAM event, Alexis Lukianov and Vladimir Gorbik, to whom he presented images of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God as a prayerful commemoration.
Upon completion of the services, a festal luncheon was served to the guests.
Miami, FL: Master Class for PaTRAM Orthodox Singers held at St. Matrona Cathedral - 07/01/17
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