On Saturday, November 11, the funeral service for Archpriest Wsevolod Drobot was served at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY. Leading the service was His Grace, Bishop Jerome.
On Friday evening, a panihida was served by monastery clergy. The following morning, Divine Liturgy was served in the lower St. Job of Pochaev Church, where Fr. Wsevolod lay in state. His Grace prayed in the altar.
After Liturgy, the funeral for a priest began in the cathedral; co-serving with Bishop Jerome were 13 priests and six deacons, who all took part in reading the service in English and Slavonic.
Upon completion of the funeral, His Grace conveyed the blessing and condolences of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York, who was unable to be present himself. At the invitation of the Drobot family, the eulogy was delivered by Archpriest Serafim Gan (chancellor of the Synod of Bishops).
The burial of Fr. Wsevolod was held at the upper monastery cemetery. It was followed by a funeral repast for the many mourners, who filled the refectory and adjacent rooms to capacity. The meal included desserts donated in Fr. Wsevolod’s memory by a bakery in Albany.
Bishop Jerome led the All-Night Vigil that evening, and celebrated Divine Liturgy the following morning. His Grace delivered two sermons: in Russian, on the Gospel about the healing of the Gadarene and the possession of the herd of swine by the demons: this Gospel has many facets for contemplation, including the fact that Christ answered even the demons’ prayers, and the destruction wrought by the evil spirits that when their request was granted, found nothing better to do than drive the swine to their death in the sea. The English sermon was on "By Grace ye are saved", showing that it is God’s gift, and not an exact performance of rites and rituals, that gives us grace through divine worship and the Sacraments – and also that the Sacraments, like the rites through which we receive them, impart grace only within the grace-filled Church.
Upon conclusion of the Liturgy, monastery abbot Archimandrite Luke (Murianka) spoke words of greeting to all in attendance. Because of the abundance of refreshments from the repast on Saturday, the Sunday luncheon became a continuation of that meal in memory of Fr. Wsevolod.
Memory eternal to the newly reposed Archpriest Wsevolod!
Click here for a photo-montage of Fr. Wsevolod's life.
Jordanville, NY: Bishop Jerome serves Funeral for Archpriest Wsevolod Drobot - 11/11/17
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