The first Tuesday after Thanksgiving is known as "Giving Tuesday." It is on this day, after the celebrations and discounts of "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday," that people are called upon to do good deeds for those in need.
This year on Giving Tuesday, Archimandrite Luke (Murianka), rector of Holy Trinity Seminary, is appealing to the faithful of the Eastern American Diocese – and to all people of good will. The text of Fr. Luke’s appeal follows below, but it should be noted in addition that, this year, one donor has offered to double every $7,000 donated as individual seminary scholarships.
We also offer a short documentary film, "Forged in Fire: A Day in the Life of a Seminarian," produced by the Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese, which explains in greater detail the importance of supporting our seminarians.
Dear Friends of Holy Trinity Seminary,
Since 1948, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary has provided a traditional Orthodox education enlivened by the fullness of its liturgical schedule and inspired by its monastic setting. This unique environment attracts students from all over the world who desire to be formed in the image of Christ and to dedicate their lives to serving the Church. This year, seminarians from Canada, Spain, Sweden, Australia, and Sierra Leone have enrolled to become future Orthodox priests who will spread Orthodoxy throughout the globe.
Since these seminarians are making such a serious commitment to the Church, Holy Trinity Seminary attempts to provide low-cost, high-quality education to ensure that future clergy can graduate debt-free. That is why generous donations from people like you are so important for us. In fact, your donations cover over 90% of seminary operating costs!
With your support, Holy Trinity has not only preserved the spirit of Russian Orthodoxy but has been optimizing its ability to transmit this tradition effectively to a world that so desperately needs it. This year we hired a new dean, the Very Rev. Archpriest Alexander F. C. Webster, PhD., whose academic experience, military service, and administrative skill combine to produce the ideal person to drive HTS forward.
Under his direction, we are finalizing the process to establish our Master of Divinity degree program, scheduled, God willing, to be operational in Fall 2018. Therefore, on this Giving Tuesday (11/28/2017), we ask for your generous assistance as we continue to provide rigorous training for the future leaders of the Church and to improve the quality of that education. If you have questions, please give us a call at 315-858-0945 or e-mail us at
May the blessings of the Lord be upon you!
In Christ,
Archimandrite Luke
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