On April 22, the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women, His Grace, Bishop Jerome, paid an archpastoral visit to Holy Virgin Protection Church in Nyack, NY, where he celebrated Divine Liturgy. His Grace was met at the church entrance by the parish warden, who offered word of welcome and thanks, and inside the church by parish rector Archpriest Elias Gorsky, and parish clergy: Archpriest George Larin (pastor emeritus), Protodeacon Dimitri Temidis, and Deacon Andrei Podymow.
The choir sang the "The Angel Cried" (which replaces "It is Truly Meet during Paschaltide), and the service began with the vesting of the bishop and the reading of the Hours.
At Liturgy, the Epistle and Gospel were read in English and Slavonic.
Upon conclusion of the service, Bishop Jerome delivered two brief sermons: one in Russian, on the reading from the Book of Acts, "When the number of the disciples was increased, there was a murmuring…", concerning our natural tendency to complain, made easy by our fallen nature; and in English, on the Gospel reading, on the sacred calling of women in Church life, and in particular the role of the Russian Orthodox grandmother. But this feast of the Myrrh-bearing Women, the traditional day honoring Orthodox women, commemorates not only them: the noble Righteous Joseph and the "nocturnal disciple," St. Nicodemus, are commemorated as well. We are all called on to be "myrrhbearers!"
Fr. Elias Gorsky also spoke to those gathered on the meaning of the Artos, which is blessed on Pascha and distributed in church the following Sunday.
After Liturgy, there followed a delightful luncheon for all in the church hall, and clergy discussions at table included such subjects as preaching in the Orthodox Church. Fr. George Larin, who had suffered ill health not long ago, has since recovered well, and was able to take a full part in the Liturgy and at the luncheon.
Nyack, NY: Bishop Jerome celebrates Liturgy in Holy Protection Church - 04/22/18
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