On April 22, the Third Sunday of Pascha, Holy Myrrhbearers Church in Brooklyn, NY marked its patronal feast day. On this day, with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York, the festal Liturgy was celebrated by Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal & Canada.
His Eminence was co-served by: Archpriests Alexander Belya (dean of New York City), Vasiliy Raskovskiy and Paul Ivanov (parish rector), Abbots Vladimir (Zgoba; rector of Our Lady "Unexpected Joy" Church on Staten Island, NY) and Eutychius (Dovganyuk), and Protodeacon Vadim Gan (clerics of the Synodal Cathedral of the Sign in New York City).
Greeting the archpastor at the entrance to the church, Fr. Paul remarked that it is a great joy for all those gathered that an archpastor was able to visit on their patronal feast day. Fr. Paul thanked Archbishop Gabriel for his warm relationship with the parish, and underscored that he is always supportive whenever the service of a hierarch is requested for some festal occasion.
Upon conclusion of the service, Archbishop Gabriel delivered a sermon on the subject of the feast, noting that the Myrrh-bearing Women were the apostles to the Apostles, as they relayed the first news of the Risen Christ. His Eminence also congratulated all of the women gathered in the church with the feast.
The day concluded with a festal luncheon, during which the clergy shared their thoughts on the feast and exchanged well-wishes.
Translation by Eastern American Diocese Media Office
Brooklyn, NY: Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal leads Patronal Feast of Holy Myrrhbearers Church - 04/22/18
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