On Saturday the 23rd and Sunday the 24th of June, hierarchal divine services were served at Elevation of the Cross Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland. His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Manhattan, Administrator of the Western European Diocese, led the All-Night Vigil on Saturday evening, co-served by His Grace Irenei, Bishop of Sacramento, and cathedral clergy.
On the morning of the 5th Sunday after Pentecost, Bishop Irenei celebrated Divine Liturgy. In his sermon, His Grace explained the day’s Gospel reading on the healing of the centurion’s servant, accenting the question of faith as being a great gift from God. "The Lord performs miracles easily for those who have genuine faith and firm hope in Him. The centurion turned to the Savior, but did not request medicine, or even the presence of Jesus at the bed of his ailing servant," underscored the archpastor. During the reception offered after the service, friendly discussion was had between the hierarch and parishioners and clergy of the parish.
Later that day, Bishop Nicholas paid an archpastoral visit to the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" & St. Nicholas in Menton, France, at the "Russian House." His Grace was told about the life and history of the parish. Addressing the parishioners, Bishop Nicholas underscored the importance of preserving faith and Holy Orthodoxy, which is a true gift from God, and that we must heed the example of the centurion of Capernaum, about whom they had heard in that Sunday’s Gospel reading. After the service, the archpastor was given a tour of the church grounds, and had a warm conversation with the rector, Priest Eugene Nikitin, members of the Association of St. Anastasia, and a large contingent of parishioners.
On Monday, June 25, Bishop Nicholas returned from Menton to chair a meeting of the Parish Council of the Geneva Cathedral, which is the see of the Western European Diocese. He held a series of meetings with clergymen and parishioners and took a tour of the church and diocesan headquarters. Very important parish matters were discussed during the meeting, and the future path of liturgical life, religious education, and social service were discussed.
The next day, Bishop Nicholas made an official visit to Bern, the capital city of the Swiss Confederation. Accompanied by diocesan secretary Archpriest Emilian Pocinoc and Priest Ioann Churin, rector of the Bern parish, Bishop Nicholas met by official invitation with Russian Ambassador Sergei Garmonin, with whom he discussed the spiritual needs of their compatriots living in Switzerland. The hierarch then went to Holy Trinity Church in Bern, where he was acquainted with the life of the parish. After his visit to Bern, Bishop Nicholas traveled to the university town of Fribourg University, where he met with professors and students, and prayed at the university’s Orthodox chapel, which is ministered by Fr. Ioann.
Translation by synod.com
Geneva, Switzerland: Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, Bishop Irenei of Sacramento visit Western European Diocese - 06/24/18
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