On the eve of Holy Spirit Day, Sunday afternoon, June 20, Small Compline was served before supper with the reading of the Canon to the Holy Spirit. After supper, Matins was served in preparation for the patronal feast of Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY.
At 8:00 AM on Monday, the serving priest performed the Blessing of the Water as is the custom on a patronal feast day. At 9:00 AM, the ringing of the bells announced the meeting of visiting Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal & Canada, who would celebrate Divine Liturgy. Monastery abbot Bishop Luke was already vested and waiting in the altar. After the vesting of His Eminence and the reading of the hours, Divine Liturgy commenced, with the two hierarchs co-served by monastery and visiting clergy. Liturgy proceeded prayerfully and solemnly.
As happened the day prior, many of the faithful received Christ’s Holy Mysteries.
Following Liturgy, a moleben was served with a procession around the cathedral, stopping at all four corners for litanies and the sprinkling of holy water.
After the service, all were invited to partake of a festal monastery luncheon. Later in the day, Bishop Luke invited all of the clergy and pilgrims to a reception in his office.
On Tuesday, in accordance with the traditions of the Church Typicon, the third day of the Holy Trinity was be celebrated in a festal manner. As Archbishop Gabriel stated at the end of the moleben, the entire community rejoiced at the ability to once again celebrate its patronal feast as has always been its tradition, and once again, the monastery is open as a place of pilgrimage and spiritual rest and strengthening.
Jordanville, NY: Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal officiates Holy Spirit Day Celebrations in Holy Trinity Monastery - 06/21/21
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