Lambertsen Translation Award
To encourage growth in the Orthodox Christian traditions of hymnody, Orthodox Christians aged 21 and below are invited to submit translations into English of previously untranslated short liturgical texts (the equivalent of a kontakion and ikos, up to ca. 250 words) from Church Slavonic. Applications must include:
- Copy of original text with full reference information.
- Translation in electronic form (.doc or .docx, not .pdf, .jpg, or any other format)
- Evidence that this text has not been previously translated.
- Brief argument for the importance of this particular text.
- Proof of age.
- Parish affiliation.
- Brief biographical statement about one’s interest and previous experience with Orthodox hymnody (such a statement might begin with "I was first trained by mother in Church Slavonic at the age of seven and began reading on kliros at the age of eight. The texts that most interest me are…").
Monk Joseph (Isaac Lambertsen) Award for Translation
This award is intended for experienced translators of Church Slavonic of long liturgical texts (for example, the equivalent of an entire Vigil Service, generally ca. 2,000 words). Application proposals must include:
For completed works:
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae.
- Copy of original text with full reference information.
- Annotated translation in electronic form (.doc or .docx, not .pdf, .jpg, or any other format). Annotations should include Scriptural and liturgical references. (For example: the phrase "Who is worthily able to hymn Thy mercies, O Lord, which have been manifested to us now, neither men, nor angels; for Thou are greater than all praise, and no word is sufficient for the praise of Thy works," which is written in the Poltava service mentioned above, should include a footnote stating: "This phrasing is in reference to the priest’s prayer at the Great Blessing of Water, which takes place on the feast of Theophany, 6 January.")
- Evidence that this text has not been previously translated.
- Argument for the importance of this particular text and any history of its composition (500 words minimum).
- Parish affiliation.
For proposed works:
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae.
- Copy of original text with full reference information.
- Annotated sample translation (500 word minimum, the more the better) in electronic form (.doc or .docx, not .pdf, .jpg, or any other format). Annotations should include Scriptural and liturgical references (see above).
- Evidence that this text has not been previously translated.
- Argument for the importance of this particular text and any history of its composition (500 words minimum).
- Parish affiliation.
In the case of proposed works, half of the grant will be awarded initially, and the remainder upon successful completion.
All documents must be submitted by February 1, 2022 to be considered.
For information on the winners of the 2020 award, please click here.