On March 20, the Sunday of Holy Hierarch Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica, the Sacrament of Holy Unction was served in the Church of the Holy New Martyrs & Confessors of Russia in Brooklyn, NY.
The Unction service was led by parish rector Archpriest Serge Lukianov, co-served by Archpriest Alexandre Antchoutine (dean of New York City), Archpriest Boris Oparin (rector of St. Joasaph of Belgorod Church in Brooklyn), Archpriests Vasily Zelenyuk & Petro Kunitsky (parish clerics) and Archpriest Vasily Yurina (cleric of Holy Myrrhbearers Church in Brooklyn, NY).
Over 150 Orthodox Christians, including parishioners of churches in Brooklyn and across New York City, participated in Holy Unction. The parish male choir prayerfully sang the responses. There were seven readings from the Epistle, seven from the Gospel, and seven special prayers for healing.
All those praying during the special Lenten service were anointed with holy oil. Upon completion of the service, Fr. Serge thanked the clergy for participating in the Sacrament and urged the faithful to partake of Christ’s Holy Mysteries at the soonest Liturgy.
After the service, the sisterhood prepared a lenten luncheon.
Brooklyn, NY: Faithful receive Sacrament of Holy Unction in Holy New Martyrs & Confessors of Russia Church - 03/20/22
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