The Institute for Studies in Eastern Christianity (ISEC) of Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York (formerly the Sophia Institute of Eastern Orthodox and Byzantine Studies) is delighted to announce the December 16, 2022 conference on the theme of Death, Dying, and the End of Life.
How do we live, how do we die? How do we think of death and dying in this age of despair? What is the ritual and sacramental significance of the body? How do we attend to people who are dying? What can we learn from our patristic and modern Orthodox traditions? These questions are often asked in conversation. What are our answers?
A day-long gathering (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM), will focus on the various ways the Eastern Orthodox Church, over past centuries and in recent times, has theologized on the questions of death, dying, and beyond. This conference will thus address the central topics of pastoral care, soteriology, spirituality, liturgical and sacramental theology, asceticism, ethics, and canon law.
The conference conveners plan to produce a scholarly volume of papers presented that will continue the ground-breaking approach characteristic of previous conferences.