On Sunday, February 9, when the Holy Church honors the memory of the Synaxis of the Holy New Martyrs & Confessors of Russia, Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America & New York celebrated Divine Liturgy in honor of the patronal feast day of the eponymous church in Brooklyn, NY.
Serving alongside the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad were: Archimandrite Gabriel (Pigarev; parish dean), Archpriest Alexandre Antchoutine (dean of New York City), Archpriest Igor Vyzhanov (rector of St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral in New York City), Archpriest Petro Kunitsky (parish cleric), Priest Nectarios Yangson (rector of Our Lady of Iveron Church in Honolulu, HI), Protodeacon Eugene Kallaur (cleric of St. Seraphim Memorial Church in Sea Cliff, NY), and Deacon Eugene Grigoriak (parish cleric).
The church was filled with worshippers. The divine services were held under the aegis of the myrrh-streaming Montreal-Hawaiian Icon of the Mother of God. The icon streamed myrrh abundantly both on the way to church and during the service. Parishioners gathered the holy myrrh emanating from the icon and anointed themselves with it.
Upon completion of Liturgy, Metropolitan Nicholas congratulated the clergy and faithful on their patronal feast, and addressed those gathered with a sermon on the feast, as well as on preparation for Great Lent. His Eminence called on the faithful to thank God for this feast, for this church, for the Hawaiian-Iveron Icon, and for the example of the Publican, about whom those who gathered together today heard; he called on them all to become more involved in the life of the Church and to be spiritual reborn.
A bountiful festal luncheon was then served in the church hall, during which interaction between the clergy and parishioners continued.
Brooklyn, NY: Metropolitan Nicholas officiates Patronal Feast of Holy New Martyrs of Russia Church - 02/09/25
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