Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Official Website
Metropolitan Philaret's Sermons & Writings
  • Protopresbyter Alexander Kiselev’s Eulogy at the Funeral of Metropolitan Philaret
    Today we escort the third Metropolitan of our Orthodox Russian Church Abroad to the eternal life. It is not now time for us to make some kind of comparisons between these three hierarchs.
  • A Sermon on the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent
    Many of us, certainly, know that from Christian antiquity we have received testimony of that special friendship that once existed between two of God’s great saints, equal in talent, equal in spi...
  • Christ is the Conqueror of the World
    The Holy Gospel has preserved for us the words of the Savior, which the Lord spoke to His apostles at the Mystical Supper as He bade them farewell, before going to His holy sufferings
  • Every Christian must bear his cross
    During the Divine Liturgy today we all heard what our Lord Jesus Christ said, that every Christian must bear his cross: " Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross a...
  • The Necessity of Fulfilling the Church’s Commandments
    Very interesting times have come, beloved brethren! They are interesting because, if you were to compare our contemporary world with that which existed in Mother Russia before, then we see an almost t...
  • St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
    People who are familiar with and know the order of our Orthodox divine services (Typikon) know that these services often utilize prokeimena. This Greek name denotes any text from the Holy Scripture th...
  • Discussion with a Youth Group about the Vespers Service
    When festal Vespers are served jointly with Matins, they are called the "All-Night Vigil." Small Vespers are generally not served independently, but only on those days when the All-Night Vigil is serv...
  • The Epistle to Titus
    Titus was also one of the closest disciples of the Apostle Paul. The epistle to him is not long, but nonetheless joins the ranks of pastoral epistles. There are many parallels between it and similar i...
  • Refresher for a Russian Orthodox Pastor
     Having accepted the grace of ordination, bear in mind of what a gift and of what mercy the Lord has found you worthy – and what responsibility you now bear. A priest is an apostle to his f...
  • "He who believeth and is baptized shall be saved"
    We just heard, in the order of Sunday Gospel readings for the vigils, a reading according to the Evangelist Mark. This is the first part of the final chapter of his Gospel. In its second part are word...
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